School Mission

1. To nurture students with love and care.

2. To tailor-make curriculum to cater for students of different abilities.

3. To work closely with parents so as to reinforce the effectiveness of learning, withhold students in their high self-discipline and create a harmonious school life.

School's Major Concerns

1. Promote self-regulated learning Enhance learning and teaching effectiveness

2. Enlighten your potential Strengthen yourself in adversity

Incorporated Management Committee

The sponsoring organization of school is Chung Sing Benevolent Society. The society is a charity organization which endeavours to provide services to the general public in Hong Kong in the fields of education, medical services, elderly services and volunteer uniform groups.

Principal Lau Tak Ming

Principal:  Lau Tak Ming  

School Supervisor:  Yip Wing Kee Ricky  

School Type:  Aided     

Student Gender:  Co-ed     

Sponsoring Body:  Chung Sing Benevolent Society  

Religion:  Not Applicable    

School Motto:  Be modest, Be courteous, Be diligent, Be prudent

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Learning Strategies:

1. To develop students' learning skills, communication skills, and leadership skills;

2. To activate students' multiple intelligence;

3. To review students' learning process, there are 3 examinations per school year.

School Management Organisation

Our school has been a keen member of the International Alliance for Invitational Education (Hong Kong) and Singapore Education Ministry Learning Circle Project. Educational exchanges and visits to the United States of America, Singapore and other places are being conducted every year.

Both PTA and Student’ Association obtain opportunities to participate the affairs of School Administration.

All these programmes are highly supported by the teachers and parents.

Whole-school Language Policy

1. To promote a positive learning environment and atmosphere;

2. To enhance students' ability through practices and authentic situations;

3. According to students’ genuine needs and in line with the EDB's Fine-Tuning of Medium of Instruction Policy, capable students and Non-Chinese Speaking students are grouped under English-medium stream at Junior Levels in some subjects.

  • Chinese Language (P / C)
  • English Language
  • Mathematics (C / E) / M1
  • Life and Society
  • Integrated Science
  • Chinese History
  • Computer Literacy (C / E)
  • Integrated Humanities
  • Putonghua
  • Design and Technology / STEM
  • Technology and Living
  • Music
  • Visual Arts
  • Drama Education
  • Physical Education

  • Chinese Language (P / C)
  • English Language
  • Mathematics (C / E) / M1
  • Liberal Studies / Citizenship and Social Development (C / E)
  • Physical Education
  • Business, Accounting and Financial Studies (C / E)
  • Tourism and Hospitality Studies
  • Information and Communication Technology (C / E)
  • Economics
  • Chinese History
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Visual Arts
  • Technology and Living